
Accessory design student Stella Hambly

My name is Stella Hambly and I am an Austin,Texas based accessory design student studying in Savannah,Georgia at the Savannah College of Art and Design. My designs reflect my personal style in a way that incorporates a harmonious blend of contemporary and timeless fashions.

I’ve always had an obsession with fashion. Not only garments, but the entire fashion industry and its position in time and culture; it makes the entire world go round. Studying fashion as a curious young girl early on led me to realize that my passion is accessories. I began to grasp the understanding that it’s not what you wear, but how you wear it- and accessories allow for that. Accessories pave the way for personal style and allow for an outfit to tell a story. I’ve been aiming to express myself with accessories all over my body for my entire life, At some point I felt like I had reached the highest level of my self expression but missed one: making my own.